Hiring Process

FGC Health will accommodate the needs of people with disabilities in our hiring process. We welcome and encourage applications from people with disabilities. Accommodations are available on request for candidates taking part in all aspects of the selection process.

Job applicants will be advised when they are selected for an interview that accommodation will be provided as necessary. If an applicant or successful candidate requests an accommodation, we will discuss their needs and make adjustments to support them.

Workplace Information

FGC Health will provide workplace information in an accessible format upon an Employee’s request. We will discuss with Employees who have disabilities and require accommodation how they need to receive information, such as:

  • Information that may be needed to perform their jobs (e.g. Role Profiles, instructional manuals)
  • General information that is available to all Employees at work (e.g. health and safety information, Company policies)
  • Accessible emergency information

We will also determine a plan in conjunction with any Employee who may need an accommodation during an emergency.

Talent and Performance Management

FGC Health will consider the needs of an Employee with a disability when holding formal or informal performance reviews, and when promoting or transferring them to a new job. Examples may include:

  • Making documents available in accessible formats (e.g. large print for Employees who have low vision)
  • Providing feedback and coaching in a way that is accessible (e.g. using plain language for Employees who have a learning disability)
  • Providing accommodations necessary to successfully learn new skills or assume greater responsibilities